
Unpacking Spotify's 2024 Podcast Trends Tour with Geoff Chow

The Ringer’s Head of Podcast Studios & Managing Director joins ads.spotify for a Q&A on the latest podcast trends from our 2024 Podcast Trends Tour—and how brands can take advantage. Read on for tips and insights to help you create a powerful podcast advertising strategy in 2024.

Hi Geoff! Please introduce yourself. Can you tell us a little about your role at The Ringer—and how that intersects with your role at Spotify?

Hi, I work closely with Bill Simmons, Sean Fennessey and the rest of the The Ringer leadership team to develop content that resonates with fans, alongside monetization strategies. Given our experience with monetization, we also work closely with the Spotify sales and cross-functional teams to execute brand integrations across the Spotify podcast portfolio.

More and more people are consuming podcasts, globally—deepening and extending conversations around significant cultural moments. Are there any such moments that have recently stood out for you?

Given how quickly the news cycle can move, one of the nice things about podcasts is that the format allows for both instant reactions and deep analysis. For example, The Ringer’s Prestige TV podcast was at the center of conversation around the final season of HBO’s Succession. Bill Simmons and Sean Fennessey were able to break down the highly anticipated series finale on the podcast, which they published only an hour after the show aired on TV—capitalizing on the immediate buzz and audience interest.

And as an avid Eagles fan, I personally really enjoyed listening to pre- and post- draft podcasts about higher level themes and specific pick reactions from a variety of hosts, from fans to ex players.

Our 2024 Podcast Trends Tour report revealed a number of emerging podcast trends—particularly among Gen Zs, who racked up the most podcast streams YoY, with Millennials right on their tail. What is it about the podcast medium that resonates with younger audiences, do you think?

Firstly, I think the podcast experience provides authentic, nuanced conversation in long-form that’s engaging for audiences of all ages. But, as more and more young creators enter the podcast space, it’s no surprise really that listeners who relate to their life experiences are connecting with what they hear.

The report shows one of Gen Z’s fastest-growing podcast categories on Spotify is Business & Technology, with a 34% year-over-year increase in streams. I think topics like this resonate with their career aspirations and reflect their desire to stay informed and up to date. Podcasting offers an easy access point to inspiration, education, and entertainment.

Increasingly, video podcasts are being embraced by creators of all stripes on Spotify, as well as fans.

Geoff Chow

The Ringer’s Head of Podcast Studios & Managing Director

One trend in the report revealed that 63% of people said they trust their favorite podcast host more than their favorite social media influencer. Does this statistic surprise you? And what does this mean for brands?

When I started at The Ringer I remember being surprised at how excited people were to run into some of our hosts in person. There really is an amazing relationship between hosts and listeners, who often choose to spend multiple hours per week with their shows. It establishes a real connection, so when brands advertise with a particular show, it feels more like a recommendation coming from a friend as the host engages with the live read in the voice that’s native to the show.

Our data also shows a +39% increase in average daily streams of video podcasts, showing that podcasts aren’t just for listening anymore. How does video unlock further opportunities for brands to connect with their audience?

Increasingly, video podcasts are being embraced by creators of all stripes on Spotify, as well as fans. Gen Zs are leading this growth, spending 136% more time with video content on Spotify year over year, compared to the average user—and that’s definitely something to consider when developing your Spotify ads strategy.

Here at Spotify, video podcasts are a big initiative, as we see increasing engagement with that format. For brands, it creates opportunities to integrate with the show’s visual identity, and in some cases, hosts can interact with the actual products. FanDuel has been a long-term partner of Spotify and The Ringer and supported many of our video initiatives.

Live podcasts have boomed in recent months, and ticketed Ringer events have sold out in record time. How might a brand capitalize on this trend?

We’ve loved being able to engage with our listeners in a live environment—and the hosts love it too. For them, it offers the chance to create a lively show for their audiences, and deepen that personal connection to build even more trust and fandom. We’ve been fortunate to have a variety of partners sponsor our events, from hotels and insurance companies to auto and clothing brands like Columbia Sportswear, who outfitted the hosts. Live activations like this have created positive brand affinity in facilitating an entertaining, live experience.

Finally, what podcasts can’t you get enough of right now?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Plain English with Derek Thompson and Science Vs because I feel like I learn something every time I tune in. Also, with HBO’s House of the Dragon returning soon, I’m looking forward to hearing each episode analyzed on our Ringer shows, including House of R, The Watch, and Midnight Boys.

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